I Chameleon-ed (copied) a Bull-Rider This Week & Figured Out How to Help Him 

I had my second go at assisting a young Bull Rider in his prime with Emmett this week. He is, actually was :) a sufferer of severe long term back problems from all of his falls. He was so impressed with the Emmett Technique and how much it helped him in one session he wanted to come back and see what Emmett could do with 2 sessions :)


Before starting the very first session I gave the Bull Rider, I stopped & pictured what muscles I thought were used when riding a horse. I continued my assumption with what muscles I thought were used to ride a Bull. With the picture I had in my head I muscle tested, lifted, wiggled my way through a treatment to put him back together. I was very happy with the outcome and so was he.


This weekend just gone I met a lovely horse lady and was chatting to her about the inner thigh and how it was used for riding :-o She very sensitively pulled me up mid conversation and said oh no, that is not how you ride a horse unless you don’t like them, OPS!!! She was a riding instructor of many years and she gave me a rundown on which muscles you use.


As luck would have it my Bull Rider comes in this Monday morning for his second treatment. This time I ask him, how do you hold onto the Bull with your legs when riding. He shows me & it is nothing like I imagined at all. So I chameleon-ed (copied) what he was doing myself and oh my goodness I could feel on myself there were so many more muscles at play than I could have ever imagined.


Look at the main picture of the Bull Rider next door and the position of his legs from gripping, try it yourself and feel it. I ended up treating him this time with a whole new set of eyes, had a very good result again & learnt a very valuable lesson. Never assume you know something :)


Chameleon what people do, how they look, how they move and feel what they feel in their position yourself, you just never know what might feel and how that may help you help them:)


This Chameleon technique helps me with babies and children that can’t talk, too. I mimic how they are walking/moving and see what muscles are at play :)


Thanks for reading
