I know there is not a lot you can do for your scoliosis, BUT!!!!!!!!! What I have found over the last year is that scoliosis sufferers still have other muscle problems like the rest of us that actually have nothing to do with scoliosis, but can easily be blamed by the scoliosis. This can make the scolioses look/seem/feel a whole lot worse that it actually is.
I had a wholly molly, that is awesome moment with a client this last month. She had the typical scoliosis uneven shoulders, more aches and pains than anyone should ever have to put up with and her surgeons where talking about surgically fixing her spine if it got any worse.
I have been blessed to have her company and help her feel better over the last 6 months with Emmett. Would you believe we have her shoulders even, she has little to no back pain at all and loves looking at her reflection in the mirror now with her shoulders the way they are. She went for her recent check up with the surgeons and they are very happy with her spine and are happy to see how she goes until her next visit.
Muscles easily change your appearance when they are not working properly together. You may have a very valid reason for feeling or looking the way you do, BUT!!!!!!! Something else may be making it worse than it has to be.
Thanks for Reading